She was the most beautiful bird whose song could only be heard by the chosen.
A symbol of peace and harmony, of the eternal quest for higher purpose. It was thought to be a messenger of the Saints.
based on the symbolism of Măiastra bird found in Romanian folklore.
with a similar meaning, the Fire Bird in Russian folklore is a most extraordinary supernatural creature whose feathers are amazingly beautiful and bring light even to the eyes of the blind.
present in modern and contemporary art, the MAIASTRA lives on in Brancusi-s works.
His series of Birds in Sky (1910-1944) have been a constant pursuit of the simplicity and complexion, unifying symbols of masculinity and femininity.
Constantin Brancusi:
”The Maiastra bird is a symbol of flight that frees the man from the boundaries of inert matter.”
photos by Iulian Sima
model: Alexandra Asiminei
costumes and artistic direction
by Sabina Georgescu